Mooring Assessment & Compatibility
Cryosafe Services specialise in offering Optimoor and Compatibility Services, tailored specifically for our customers across the world.
Our dedicated pool of mooring masters have over 50+yrs of LNG ship-to-ship experience, and huge bunkering experience and are trusted by a large amount of clients globally:
LNG Bunkering Operations with LNG Fuelled Vessels
Terminal Operations with Double-Banked FSRU
Full Compatibility Reports Tailored to Each Company and Location
24hr Capability
We offer a complete Optimoor Service - from Mooring Plan creation through to report delivery.
Using our operational and equipment experience we are able to ensure the safety of our marine operations. We are approved by oil & gas majors globally and we can provide references where required.
Manuals & Procedures
Leveraging our operational experience we provide operations manuals & procedures that are practical and assure safety for vessel and terminal projects.
LNG Bunkering Management Plans
LNG Bunkering Procedures
Terminal Marine Manuals
LNG Terminal Operations Manuals
Hose Handling Procedures
Gas Trial Oversight
Factory Acceptance Test Witness
Bunkering Support
Cryosafe can provide a range of standard training courses as well as bespoke project or vessel training offerings:
LNG Ship-to-Ship Operator Training
LNG Bunkering Operator Training
LNG Bunker Management (for Port Authorities or Management Teams)
Bespoke Terminal or Vessel Training - FSRU/FLNG or LNG Terminal