LNG STS/bunkering compatibility - Why looking at proximity is so important?
When Cryosafe assess’ any LNG STS or bunkering operation, one of the items we consider is a proximity assessment. It is essential to ensure a safe transfer that no part of each vessel, or the equipment, can collide. Depending on the operation there are a number of elements that it is critical to check:
How are the 2 x vessels moored in proximity?
Can the bridge wings collide?
What is the maximum roll considered?
Are there any overhanging items (lifeboats or balcony)?
Has the operator taken into account the full range of draft changes?
How large are the fenders?
Will the saddles clash if the manifolds are aligned?
Does the LNG hose or arm pass over any fenders or mooring ropes?
If you would like to know more about our compatibility service or training please contact gw@cryosafe.co.uk.