LNG Fuelling - Operational Challenges

Having been involved in a number of LNG fuelling/bunkering projects, there are a number of operational challenges that are common to most.

The challenge of securing the widest compatibility and operational window parameters, to enable a service to be provided to the widest number of receiving customers, whilst maintaining the highest standard of operational and functional safety.

There is also the challenge of balancing the commercial driver for swift and efficient timelines for connection and disconnection whilst ensuring that operations are not rushed, safety is not compromised and hardware is protected from damage.

To meet these challenges requires a multi disciplined approach combining sound basis of design, correct hardware specification, development (and implementation) of fit for purpose operational procedures and training for operational, support and commercial staff.

With all these factors addressed operations are smoother, safer and less likely to result in delays and commercial impact. CryoSafe can assist in every stage to enable operators to maximise their operations.


LNG, Hydrogen & Ammonia will all be needed


Breakbulking from existing LNG infrastructure